Friday, October 09, 2009

Validation for ComponentArt datepicker

External DatePicker Controls can be useful, and the ComponentArt sure is, except for the annoying lack of client-side validation. Nevertheless, its not too hard to integrate your own javascript and validate your date entries.

This sample uses Prototype, but you can simply replace the '$' by 'document.getElementById' and you should be okay.

(This also assumes you have encapsulated your date picker in a user control)

1.Add a (hidden) div element to your user control

<div style="display:none" id="validationdiv<%=ClientID%>">
<asp:TextBox ID="ValidationTextBox" runat="server" EnableViewState="false"></asp:TextBox>

2. Add a RequiredFieldValidator, pointing to our hidden TextBox

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator Enabled="false" ID="dateValidator" ControlToValidate="ValidationTextBox" runat="server" ErrorMessage="***" Display="None"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>

3.Expand your javascript handlers, to change your textbox values when the Calendar/Picker values change.

function MarkAsValidationOk<%=ClientID%>()
$('<%=ValidationTextBox.ClientID%>').value = true;

function MarkAsValidationNOk<%=ClientID%>()
$('<%=ValidationTextBox.ClientID%>').value = “”;

function Picker1_onSelectionChanged(sender, eventArgs)

function Calendar_OnSelectionChanged(calendar)

function ClearCalendar<%= Calendar1.ClientObjectId %>()
<%= Calendar1.ClientObjectId %>.ClearSelectedDate();
<%= Picker1.ClientObjectId %>.ClearSelectedDate();

4. Add some configuration settings to your user control Codebehind.

public bool EnableValidation { set { dateValidator.Enabled = value; } }
public string ValidationErrorMessage { set { dateValidator.ErrorMessage = value; } }
public string ValidationGroup { set { dateValidator.ValidationGroup = value; } }

5. Expand your 'setdate' server-side functionality to flag validation as ok.

public void SetDate(DateTime date)
Calendar1.SelectedDate = date;
Picker1.SelectedDate = date;
timeSelectorControl.DefaultHour = date.Hour;
timeSelectorControl.DefaultMinute = date.Minute;

Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "datejs" + ClientID, "MarkAsValidationOk" + ClientID + "();", true);

6. All done, now you can simply enable validation by setting some properties in the page that uses your control:

<uc1:CalendarPicker ID="birthdayPicker" EnableValidation="true" ValidationGroup="EmployeeValidationGroup" ValidationErrorMessage="BirthDate_Required" runat="server" ShowTimePart="false" />

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